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Markov Chains || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Learn Markov Chains step-by-step using real-life examples. Video Chapters: Markov Chains 00:00 Introduction 00:19 Topics Covered 01:49 Markov Chains Applications 02:04 Markov Property 03:18 Example 1 03:54 States, State Space, Transition Probabilities 06:17 Transition Matrix 08:17 Example 02 09:17 Example 03 10:26 Example 04 12:25 Example 05 14:16 Example 06 16:49 Example 07 18:11 Example 08 24:56 Conclusion

Novel Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm || Numerical Example ...

Learn the Novel Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (Novel BPSO) Algorithm Step-By-Step using Numerical Examples. Novel BPSO Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:25 Topics Covered 01:38 PSO Key Points 04:46 Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) 07:23 BPSO Numerical Example 15:53 Novel Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (NBPSO) 19:00 Conclusion

Neuro Fuzzy Hybrid System for Water Heater Control System ~xRay Pixy

Water heater control system using Neuro Fuzzy Hybrid System. Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:38 Hybrid Approach 02:37 Neural Network 03:08 Neural Network Components 05:38 Fuzzy Logic 12:09 Neuro-Fuzzy Hybrid System 14:16 Numerical Example 22:22 Conclusion A neuro-fuzzy hybrid system, also known as a neuro-fuzzy system or fuzzy neural network, combines the principles of neural networks and fuzzy logic to create a more robust and versatile system for solving complex problems, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence and control systems. This hybrid approach aims to take advantage of the strengths of both neural networks and fuzzy logic to handle uncertainty, nonlinearities, and complex patterns effectively. The key components and concepts involved in a neuro-fuzzy hybrid system: Neural Networks Neural networks are computational models inspired by the human brain's structure and functioning. They consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized into layers, i...

Crystal Structure Algorithm || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Learn the Crystal Structure Algorithm Step-by-step with examples. Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:05 Key Points 01:41 Lattice 02:27 Lattice Types 03:48 Regular Crystal Shapes 04:05 Crystal Structure Formation 05:18 Crystal Characteristics 06:52 Crystal Structure Algorithm Algorithm Steps 14:11 Conclusion

MySQL Workbench Create Database, Table, Drop Table ~xRay Pixy

MySQL Workbench Step-By-Step Video Chapters: 00:00 Server Connection 00:47 CREATE DATABASE 01:05 CREATE TABLE 02:14 INSERT INTO TABLE 03:53 MySQL Table Using PHP Script 08:44 Conclusion

WFLO in Python || Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines using PSO in Python...

Wind turbine optimal placement using particle swarm optimization Implementation in Python. Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:30 Key Points 03:17 Implementation 05:50 Flowchart 06:32 Code 23:47 Apply PSO 31:53 Output SOURCE CODE import numpy as np import math import random #Probability Distribution Function def PDF(U,k,c): return (k / c) * (U / c)**(k - 1) * math.exp(-((U / c)**k)) #Calculate Alpha def Cal_alpha(Z,Z_o): return 0.5 / math.log (Z/Z_o) #Calculate Full Wake Effect def Full_WE(u_o,a,alpha,X,R_1): return u_o*(1-(2*a/(1+alpha*(X/R_1)**2))) #Calculate Partial Wake Effect def Partial_WE(u_o,a,alpha,X,R_1,A_Partial,A_Total): return u_o * (1-(2*a/(1+alpha*(X/R_1)**2)))*(A_Partial-A_Total) #Calculate No Wake Effect def No_WE(u_o): return u_o #Calculate Power def Power(u,Ideal_Power): if u<3: return 0 elif 3<=u<=12: return Ideal_Power elif 12<=u<=25: return 518.4 else: return 0 #Calcu...

How to Initialize Population by Good-Point Set in Python ~xRay pixy

How to Initialize Population by Good-Point Set in Python ~xRay pixy

GWO Python Code || Grey Wolf Optimizer in Python || ~xRay Pixy

SOURCE CODE import numpy as np import tkinter as tk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tkinter import messagebox def initialization (PopSize,D,LB,UB):     SS_Boundary = len(LB) if isinstance(UB,(list,np.ndarray)) else 1     if SS_Boundary ==1:         Positions = np.random.rand(PopSize,D)*(UB-LB)+LB     else:         Positions = np.zeros((PopSize,D))         for i in range(D):             Positions[:,i]=np.random.rand(PopSize)*(UB[i]-LB[i])+LB[i]     return Positions def GWO(PopSize,MaxT,LB,UB,D,Fobj):     Alpha_Pos = np.zeros(D)     Alpha_Fit = np.inf     Beta_Pos = np.zeros(D)     Beta_Fit = np.inf     Delta_Pos = np.zeros(D)     Delta_Fit = np.inf     Positions = initialization(PopSize,D,UB,LB)     Convergence_curve = np.zeros(MaxT)     l = 0     while l...

Implement TSP in Python ||Travelling Salesman Problem|| ~xRay Pixy

Travelling salesman problem implementation in Python. Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:34 TSP Code 06:51 Calculate the Total Distance 11:17 Find Out the Optimal Route and Minimum Distance 15:03 Output 16:00 Conclusion

PSO Python Code || Particle Swarm Optimization in Python || ~xRay Pixy

Particle Swarm Optimization Implementation in Python Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:01 Code 05:55 Position Initialization 08:06 PSO Main Loop 08:42 Velocity Calculation 10:02 Position Update 10:36 Fitness Evaluation 13:21 Objective Function 17:44 Result 19:00 Conclusion .....................................................SOURCE CODE......................................................................... import random import numpy as np from tkinter import messagebox #Define Class Particles class Particle: def __init__ (self,position): self.position=position self.velocity=np.zeros_like(position) self.best_position=position self.best_fitness=float('inf') def PSO(ObjF,Pop_Size,D,MaxT): swarm_best_position=None swarm_best_fitness=float('inf') particles=[] #Posotion Initialization position=np.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,D) particle=Particle(position) particles.append(particle) #Fit...

JavaScript Dynamic Barcode Generator || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

SOURCE CODE <html> <head> <title>Dynamic Barcode Generator</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bar.css"/>  <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Dynamic Barcode Generator</h1> <div id="box">   <input id="barcode-input" type ="text" placeholder="Enter Text for Barcode"/>   <button onclick="BarCodeGenerate()" >Generate Barcode</button> <br><br>   <svg id ="barcode"></svg> </div>   <script>      function BarCodeGenerate(){          var text = document.getElementById("barcode-input").value;          JsBarcode("#barcode",text);      }             </script> </center> </body> </html>

JavaScript Analog Clock || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

---------------------------- clock.html --------------------------------------- <html> <head> <title>Javascript Analog Clock</title> <link rel ="stylesheet" href="clock.css"> <script src = "clock.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="clockBox">      <div id="hour"></div>      <div id="minute"></div>      <div id="second"></div>      <div id="point"></div> </div> </body> </html> ------------------------------ clock.css ----------------------------------------- #clockbox{           height: 650px;           width: 650px;           background: url(clc.png);           background-size:100%;           margin:auto;         } #hour, #minute, #second{      ...

Hunger Games Search Algorithm || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Learn Hunger Games Search (HGS) Optimization Algorithm Step-By-Step Hunger Games Search Algorithm Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:30 About Hunger Games Search Algorithm 06:00 Algorithm Steps 16:00 Conclusion

JavaScript Calculator Step-By-Step ~xRay Pixy

HTML + JAVASCRIPT CODE <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Calculator</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="calc.css"/> </head> <body> <div class="front"> <form name="form"> <input id="clac" type="text" name="result"><br><br> <input type= "button" value ="1" onclick="form.result.value += '1'"> <input type= "button" value ="2" onclick="form.result.value += '2'"> <input type= "button" value ="3" onclick="form.result.value += '3'"> <input type= "button" value ="+" onclick="form.result.value += '+'"> <br><br> <input type="button" value="4" onclick="form.result.value += '4'"> <input type="button" value="5"...

Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Algorithm || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Video Chapters: Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Algorithm 00:00 Introduction 02:10 About Mongoose 03:55 Mongoose Communication 05:00 Mongoose Lifestyle 07:23 Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Algorithm Steps 11:29 Optimization Process Start 16:00 Conclusion New Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm Dwarf Mongoose Optimization We can use this algorithm to solve different optimization problems as when this algorithm is tested on different continuous, discrete optimization problems it provides efficient results. So, we can use this algorithm to solve complex optimization problems This algorithm is basically inspired by the foraging behavior of mongooses in real life. Dwarf Mongoose Optimizer is introduced in 2022 by Jeffrey and all. It is a swarm intelligence-based optimization algorithm that we can use to solve complex optimization problems. This algorithm provides efficient results in comparison with seven different algorithms as you can see here Particle Swarm Optimizer, Gray wolf O...

Optimization Problems || PART 02 || Design Variables, Constraints, Objec...

Learn how to solve Optimization problems Step-By-Step. Video Chapters: Optimization Problems PART - 02 00:00 Introduction 00:16 Optimization Problems 01:51 Design Variables 02:34 Constraints 03:13 Objective Function 04:57 Conclusion
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