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WFLO in Python || Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines using PSO in Python...

Wind turbine optimal placement using particle swarm optimization Implementation in Python. Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:30 Key Points 03:17 Implementation 05:50 Flowchart 06:32 Code 23:47 Apply PSO 31:53 Output


import numpy as np
import math
import random

#Probability Distribution Function
def PDF(U,k,c):
    return (k / c) * (U / c)**(k - 1) * math.exp(-((U / c)**k))

#Calculate Alpha
def Cal_alpha(Z,Z_o):
    return 0.5 / math.log (Z/Z_o)

#Calculate Full Wake Effect
def Full_WE(u_o,a,alpha,X,R_1):
    return u_o*(1-(2*a/(1+alpha*(X/R_1)**2)))

#Calculate Partial Wake Effect
def Partial_WE(u_o,a,alpha,X,R_1,A_Partial,A_Total):
    return u_o * (1-(2*a/(1+alpha*(X/R_1)**2)))*(A_Partial-A_Total)

#Calculate No Wake Effect
def No_WE(u_o):
    return u_o

#Calculate Power
def Power(u,Ideal_Power):
    if u<3:
        return 0
    elif 3<=u<=12:
        return Ideal_Power
    elif 12<=u<=25:
        return 518.4
        return 0
#Calculate Objective Function
def Obj_Fun(installation_cost,Total_Power,U_values,k,c):
    objective_value = [installation_cost / (Total_Power * PDF(U,k,c)) for U in U_values]
    return min(objective_value)

#Apply PSO
#PSO Parameters
Pop_S = 100
MaxT = 500
w = 0.5
c1 = 2.5
c2 = 2.5

#Particle Class
class Particle:
    def __init__ (self):
        self.position = [random.uniform(0.1,1.0),random.uniform(10,50)]
        self.velocity = [0.0,0.0]
        self.pbest = self.position.copy()

def PSO(config):
    initial_Total_Power = config["Total_Power"]
    U_values = config["U_values"]
    k = config["k"]
    c = config["c"]
    particles = [Particle() for _ in range (Pop_S)]
    gbest = particles[0].pbest.copy()
    best_a = gbest[1]
    best_installation_cost = gbest[0]

    installation_cost = Pop_S*(2/3+(1/3)*math.exp(-0.00174*Pop_S**Pop_S))

    for iteration in range (MaxT):
        for particle in particles:
            a = particle.position[1]
            Total_Power_Particle = initial_Total_Power
            for U in U_values:
                best_a = particle.position[1]

            #Objective Function
            objective = Obj_Fun(installation_cost,Total_Power_Particle,U_values,k,c)

            #Compare Pbest
            if objective < Obj_Fun(particle.pbest[0],Total_Power_Particle,U_values,k,c):
                particle.pbest = particle.position.copy()

            #Compare Gbest
            if objective < Obj_Fun(gbest[0],Total_Power_Particle,U_values,k,c):
                gbest = particle.position.copy
                best_a = a

            #Calculate Velocity
            for i in range (len(particle.velocity)):
                r1,r2 = random.random(),random.random()
                C_velocity = c1 *r1 *(particle.pbest[i]-particle.position[i])
                S_velocity = c2 *r2 *(gbest[i]-particle.position[i])
                particle.velocity[i] = w * particle.velocity[i]+C_velocity+S_velocity

                #Calculate  Position
                particle.position[i] += particle.velocity[i]
    return best_installation_cost,best_a

def main():
    k = 0.10
    c = 10
    Z = 60
    Z_o = 0.3
    a = 1/3
    u_o = 12
    X = 200
    D = 40
    R_r = 40
    R_1 = a * X * R_r
    alpha = Cal_alpha(Z,Z_o)
    A_Partial = 3.14 * (R_1)**2
    A_single = 3.14 * (D/2)**2
    A_Total = (200*200) * A_single

    #Wind Speed Values
    U_values = [3,6,9,12,15]

    #Ideal Power
    Ideal_Power = 0.3*u_o**3

    partial_wake = Partial_WE(u_o,a,alpha,X,R_1,A_Partial,A_Total)

    #Actual Power
    Actual_Power = 0.3*partial_wake**3

    #Total Power
    Total_Power = Ideal_Power + Actual_Power

    AEP = 8760*Total_Power

    Configuration = {

    best_installation_cost,best_a = PSO(Configuration)

    best_objective = Obj_Fun(best_installation_cost,Total_Power,Configuration["U_values"],Configuration["k"],Configuration["c"])

    efficiency = Total_Power / (2 * Ideal_Power)

    #Display Output Values
    print("Total Power",Total_Power)

if __name__ == "__main__":


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