
Showing posts from October 11, 2020

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Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory ~xRay Pixy

 Video Link  CLICK HERE... Learn Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory Step-By-Step Using Examples. Video Chapters: Nash Equilibrium  00:00 Introduction 00:19 Topics Covered 00:33 Nash Equilibrium  01:55 Example 1  02:30 Example 2 04:46 Game Core Elements 06:41 Types of Game Strategies 06:55  Prisoner’s Dilemma  07:17  Prisoner’s Dilemma Example 3 09:16 Dominated Strategy  10:56 Applications 11:34 Conclusion The Nash Equilibrium is a concept in game theory that describes a situation where no player can benefit by changing their strategy while the other players keep their strategies unchanged.  No player can increase their payoff by changing their choice alone while others keep theirs the same. Example : If Chrysler, Ford, and GM each choose their production levels so that no company can make more money by changing their choice, it’s a Nash Equilibrium Prisoner’s Dilemma : Two criminals are arrested and interrogated separately. Each has two ...

Nicholl - Lee Nicholl (NLN) Line Clipping in Computer Graphics

 In the Cohen-Sutherland method, multiple intersections may be calculated along the path of a single line before an intersection on the clipping rectangle or line is completely rejected.  In Nicholl - Lee Nicholl Line Clipping, Extra intersection calculations are eliminated.  ADVANTAGE OF Nicholl - Lee Nicholl (NLN) Line Clipping 1.) The  number of clipping points is reduced to one, compared to other algorithms that may require two or more clipping.  2.)  Nicholl - Lee Nicholl (NLN) Line Clipping is FAST. Clipping algorithms for Circle, Curved boundary clipping regions are SLOWER because intersections calculations involve nonlinear curve equations.  3.)    Nicholl - Lee Nicholl (NLN) Line Clipping avoids multiple clipping of Line segments.  4.) As Compare to Cohen Sutherland and Liang-Barsy  Nicholl - Lee Nicholl Line Clipping performed fewer comparisons.    How Nicholl - Lee Nicholl Line Clipping works?  Nicholl...
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