
Showing posts from May 24, 2020

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Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory ~xRay Pixy

 Video Link  CLICK HERE... Learn Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory Step-By-Step Using Examples. Video Chapters: Nash Equilibrium  00:00 Introduction 00:19 Topics Covered 00:33 Nash Equilibrium  01:55 Example 1  02:30 Example 2 04:46 Game Core Elements 06:41 Types of Game Strategies 06:55  Prisoner’s Dilemma  07:17  Prisoner’s Dilemma Example 3 09:16 Dominated Strategy  10:56 Applications 11:34 Conclusion The Nash Equilibrium is a concept in game theory that describes a situation where no player can benefit by changing their strategy while the other players keep their strategies unchanged.  No player can increase their payoff by changing their choice alone while others keep theirs the same. Example : If Chrysler, Ford, and GM each choose their production levels so that no company can make more money by changing their choice, it’s a Nash Equilibrium Prisoner’s Dilemma : Two criminals are arrested and interrogated separately. Each has two ...

How Digital Image is formed? ~xRay Pixy

Digital Image is Made up of Pixels. Pixel is the Smallest Element of an Image. A digital image is composed of a finite number of elements, each element has a particular location and value. The digital image is a 2-dimensional function. It is represented by f(x,y). Where x,y is the plane coordinates, and f is the amplitude that is the brightness of the image. The sensor is used to sense the object structure and a continuous voltage signal is generated. In order to create a digital image, we need to convert data into digital form. For this Sampling and Quantization is done. Sampling is digitizing the coordinate value. Quantization is analog to digital conversion of a sampled image to a finite number of gray level. The process of digital image formation is shown in this video.

What would God think of artificial intelligence?

We humans, are created by God. God will smile and feel proud that my creation (God Creation -Human) creating Artificial Humans (that is Robots). we created machines first, and now we are working on its intelligence (using artificial intelligence). We are trying to create machines/robots as intelligent as humans. The only risk is that if we humans lose control over robots/machines situation will be out of control. 
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