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Algorithms Behind Space Missions ~xRay Pixy

Learn different algorithms used in Space Missions. Video Link Video Chapters: Algorithms Behind Space Missions 00:00 Introduction 00:52 Space Missions 04:26 Space Missions Challenges 07:04 Algorithms Used in Space Missions 10:36 Optimization Techniques 11:44 Conclusion  NASA conducts space missions to explore the universe for various scientific, technological, and practical reasons: Understanding Our Place in the Universe Search for Life Beyond Earth Studying Earth from Space Advancing Technology Supporting Human Exploration Resource Utilization Inspiring Humanity Examples of NASA Space Missions Apollo Program: Sent humans to the Moon (1969–1972). Mars Rovers (Spirit, Opportunity, Perseverance): Explored Mars' surface and geology. Voyager Missions: Studied the outer planets and interstellar space. Hubble Space Telescope: Captured breathtaking images of the universe. International Space Station (ISS): Supports research in microgravity and international collaboration. Different ...

Water Cycle Algorithm Step-by-Step Explanation with Example ~xRay Pixy

A number of metaheuristic algorithms have been developed to solve various constraints optimization problems. Because according to the No Free Lunch theorem no algorithm alone can not solve various real-world problems. Different problems exist in real life that is complex in nature and hard to solve. Water Cycle Optimization Algorithm is inspired by nature. The water cycle algorithm is a nature-inspired metaheuristics algorithm. Water Cycle Algorithm is basically inspired by the water cycle process in nature. In this video, you will learn how the water cycle algorithm is working step-by-step with examples and its mathematical Model.

Water Cycle Algorithm is a metaheuristic optimization method used to solve different constraints-based problems and real-life engineering design problems. Water Cycle is also known as Hydrological Cycle. Water Cycle represents the continuous movement of water below and above the earth's surface. Most Precipitation: Occur as Rain, Snow, Fog Drip, Sleet. Evaporation: Transform water from the liquid phase. Condensation: Transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, creating Cloud and Fog.

How Rivers are formed in real life? 
Rivers are part of the water cycle. Water is collected in the river from precipitation. Any river or stream is formed when water moves downhill from one place to another.

Water Cycle Algorithm Main Concept.
In this algorithm, Assume we have first Precipitation / Rain. 
Consider Raindrops as Initial Population and Best Individual / Best Raindrop is chosen as the sea.

River / Streams: Rivers are a Number of Good Raindrops. Streams are the Rest of the Raindrops. Each River absorbs water from the stream. 

Sea: Best Raindrops. Rivers flow to the sea. Therefore River + Streams = Sea.

Water Cycle Algorithm Flowchart

#Metaheuristic #Algorithms
Meta-heuristic Algorithms
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