Cloud Computing includes Several elements like: Clients Datacenters Distributed servers Each component has a Purpose and plays a specific role in delivering a functional Cloud-based application. 1. Clients: C lients are typically computers. Clients are devices that end-users interact with to manage their information on Cloud. For example Laptops, Mobiles Phones, Tablets Note: because of their mobility they are big drivers for Cloud computing. 2. Datacenter means the Collection of Servers. W here the application to which you subscribe is housed. A growing trend in the IT world is VIRTUALIZING servers. Multiple Virtual servers running on one physical server. 3. Distributed servers mean Large networks have Multiple servers. Servers are in geographically disparate locations. It provides more flexibility and security to the service providers. For example, Amazon has its own Cloud solution in servers all over the world. Services in Cloud Computin g is the concept of being able to use