Firefly Algorithm Firefly algorithm is a swarm-based metaheuristic algorithm that was introduced by Yang. Firefly algorithm is used for solving optimization problems. In this video, you will learn the Firefly algorithm with an example. Firefly Algorithm is inspired by the FLASHING Behavior of Fireflies. For simplicity certain Assumptions used in Firefly Optimization Algorithm: - 1.) Fireflies are attracted to each other. 2) Attractiveness is proportional to BRIGHTNESS. 3.) Less Brighter Firefly is attracted to the Brighter Firefly. 4.) Attractiveness decrease as the distance between 2 fireflies increase. 5.) If the brightness for both is the same, fireflies move randomly. 6.) New Solutions are generated by Random walks & the Attraction of fireflies. Firefly Optimization Algorithm Steps: Initialize Parameters Initialize Population randomly in the search space. Compute Fitness values and select the best solution. Check Stopping Criteria. While Current Iteration = 1:Maximum Iterat