
Showing posts from April 2, 2021

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Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a p opulation-based stochastic search algorithm. PSO is inspired by the Social Behavior of Birds flocking. PSO is a computational method that Optimizes a problem. PSO searches for Optima by updating generations. It is popular is an intelligent metaheuristic algorithm.  In Particle Swarm Optimization the solution of the problem is represented using Particles. [Flocking birds are replaced with particles for algorithm simplicity]. Objective Function is used for the performance evaluation for each particle / agent in the current population. After a number of iterations agents / particles will find out optimal solution in the search space. Q. What is PSO? A. PSO is a computational method that Optimizes a problem. Q. How PSO will optimize? A. By Improving a Candidate Solution. Q. How PSO Solve Problems? A. PSO solved problems by having a Population (called Swarms) of Candidate Solutions (Particles). Local and global optimal solutions are used to upda
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