
Showing posts from November 25, 2024

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Sperm Swarm Optimizer || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Sperm Swarm Optimizer (SSO) || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy Video Link Click Here:   SSO Learn Sperm Swarm Optimizer Step-By-Step Using Examples. Video Chapters: Sperm Swarm Optimizer 00:00 Introduction 01:20 Topic Covered 01:41 Fertilization Process 07:02 Sperm Swarm Optimizer Simulation 10:14 Sperm Swarm Optimizer Steps 15:27 Conclusion The Sperm Swarm Optimization (SSO) algorithm is a method inspired by how sperm move toward an egg during fertilization.  Swarm Movement : Each sperm (candidate solution) is represented as a point in a multidimensional search space. The sperms work together to find the best solution (the egg). Each sperm's position (location) is adjusted based on its current velocity, its personal best, and the global best.The algorithm keeps updating positions and velocities until an optimal solution is found or a stopping condition is met. Exploration and Exploitation : Exploration: Randomized factors (pH and temperature) allow wide search. Exploitat...

Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) ~xRay Pixy

V ehicle R outing P roblem Learn Vehicle Routing Problems Step-By-Step using Examples. Video Chapters: Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) 00:00 Introduction 00:18 VRP Example 00:52 VRP Variants 02:43 VRP Objective 03:20 VRP Component 06:06 VRP Graph Representation 05:13 VRP Challenge 05:51 TSP vs VRP 07:17 VRP Real-Life Situations 07:38 VRP Solving Rules 08:57 VRP Method 09:16 Metaheuristics for VRP 10:16 VRP Application Areas 10:24 Metaheuristics to solve VRP 11:39 Conclusion VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM  is a fundamental combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem in the fields of transportation, logistics, and operations research. It involves determining the most efficient routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse in order to deliver goods or services to a set of customers, subject to various constraints. Objective: Minimize the Total Route Cost. While satisfying all Co Capacity Constraint Time Window Constraints VRP Basic Components Depot: The starting and ending point f...
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