Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm (DOA) Dragonfly Algorithm is developed by Mirjalili in 2016. Dragonfly Algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the behavior of dragonflies in nature. There are about 5000 known species of dragonflies. Dragonfly is a symbol of Strength, Courage, and Happiness in Japan. Dragonfly Algorithm Step-by-Step: - Step 01: Initialize Dragonfly Population Randomly (𝑋_𝑖, Where i = 1,2,3,4,…n). Step 02: Initialize Step vector / Size for dragonfly (〖∆𝑋〗_𝑖). Step 03: While(CurrentIteration < MaximumIteration) Step 04: Computer Fitness Values for each dragonfly. Step 05: Update Food sources and enemy. Step 06: Update parameters w, s, a, c, f, and e. Step 07: Calculate S, A, C, and F. Step 08: Update neighboring radius. Step 09: If the dragonfly has at least one neighboring dragonfly. { Update Velocity and Position; } else { Update Position; } Elseif { Check and correct new position based on boundari...