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AI and Deep Learning for Ear Infection Detection ~xRay Pixy

Learn how AI and deep learning revolutionize ear infection detection, enabling accurate, fast, and automated diagnosis using advanced image processing and machine learning techniques. Video Chapters: Ear Infection Detection using AI and DL 00:00 Introduction 00:14 My Experience with Ear Infections 01:15 Topics Covered 02:24 Ear Infections 02:48 Ear Infection Signs 03:55 Ear Infection Preventions 04:29 Ear Infection Types 05:19 Ear Infection Causes 06:14 How Bacteria and Fungus Grow in Ear 07:26 My Mistakes 08:49 Doctors Advise after Ear Infection 09:45 Ear Infection Common Symptoms 10:37 Automated Ear Infection Detection with Deep Learning AI 15:09 Smartphone Otoscopes 16:04 Conclusion Ear fungus, also known as otomycosis , is a fungal infection of the outer ear canal. If an ear infection is not treated on time, it can lead to serious complications.  Hearing Loss – Persistent infections can damage the eardrum and middle ear structures, leading to partial or permanent hearing loss....

Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud Computing Architecture Divided into 2 Parts It is divided into 2 parts:

1.) The Front End

2.) The Back End

Each end is connected to the other through Network (i.e., Internet or virtual network).

Cloud Computing Architecture - front End

The front end means How users interact with the cloud infrastructure? 

Front End: It is the side that is visible to Clients / Computer Users.

The front end consists of Applications and infrastructure that is used to access different cloud computing platform.

It includes web servers (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, and IE) mobile devices. 

Cloud Computing Architecture - Back End

Cloud Service Provider [e.g., AWS] maintains Back end.

The back End supports the front end.

The back end manage different services like

Data Storage

Virtual Network

Security System

Traffic Control 

Protocols used for communication over the internet

Cloud Computing Architecture - Components

The client interface provides GUI [i.e., Graphical User Interface] that helps users to connect with the cloud. 

Interface interaction with end uses directly (in order to perform tasks on the cloud).

Internet is the medium through which Frond end & back End can communicate. 

Using the INTERNET Entire Cloud is Connected.

The application can be a Platform or software that Clint wants to access. 

It Back ends Architecture component.

Runtime cloud = where services RUN.

Provides a runtime environment for virtual machines. 

On the same server, multiple runtimes exist. 

On Storage, all the data i.e., required to manage Cloud resides. 

Services Offered:

Hard Drives

Solid-state devices

Intel Optane DC Persistent 


Provide services at the Host level, Application Level, and Network Level. 

Infrastructure includes all the hardware and software components [like server, storage, network, and virtualization].

It also includes CPU, Motherboard 

Management: Handle several components at the back end.

Allocates the right resources for the specific tasks.


Prevents Data Loss. 

Protect the system from various attacks. 

Keeps data safe from the attackers

Popular Cloud Computing Service Providers

Microsoft Azure 

AWS – Amazon Web Services 

IBM Cloud

Google Cloud 




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