
Showing posts from October, 2022

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Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory ~xRay Pixy

 Video Link  CLICK HERE... Learn Nash Equilibrium In Game Theory Step-By-Step Using Examples. Video Chapters: Nash Equilibrium  00:00 Introduction 00:19 Topics Covered 00:33 Nash Equilibrium  01:55 Example 1  02:30 Example 2 04:46 Game Core Elements 06:41 Types of Game Strategies 06:55  Prisoner’s Dilemma  07:17  Prisoner’s Dilemma Example 3 09:16 Dominated Strategy  10:56 Applications 11:34 Conclusion The Nash Equilibrium is a concept in game theory that describes a situation where no player can benefit by changing their strategy while the other players keep their strategies unchanged.  No player can increase their payoff by changing their choice alone while others keep theirs the same. Example : If Chrysler, Ford, and GM each choose their production levels so that no company can make more money by changing their choice, it’s a Nash Equilibrium Prisoner’s Dilemma : Two criminals are arrested and interrogated separately. Each has two ...

TURTLE GRAPHICS USING PYTHON || Happy Birthday To You || 09 || ~xRay Pixy

Python Turtle Graphics || Create a Happy Birthday Message to Someone Special || Feirnds || Family Members ||

Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm || STEP-BY-STEP || ~xRay Pixy

Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm Learn Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm Step-By-Step with Examples Video Chapters: Introduction: 00:00 Donkey's Behavior: 02:02 Donkey Mode: 04:20 Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm: 06:49 Smuggler Mode: 08:02 Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm STEPS: 11:54 Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm FLOWCHART: 15:39 Conclusion: 16:24 About Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm: - Introduced in 2019 by Ahmed S Shamsaldin et. al. - Nature Inspired Population-Based Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm. - Used to Solve Complex Optimization Problems. - Implemented to solve Real Life Optimization Problems such as Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Routing Problems     Ambulance Routing Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm MODES: Smuggler Mode [Non-Adaptive] Donkey Mode [Adapative] Donkey and Smuggler Optimization Algorithm STEPS: Initialize algorithm parameters i.e., Population Size, Dimensions...

TURTLE GRAPHICS USING PYTHON || Turtle Star || 08 || ~xRay Pixy

TURTLE GRAPHICS USING PYTHON || Turtle Star || 08 ||  STEPS Python Turtle Graphics Design First Import Turtle Here, variable r is considered a Turtle. Set Turtle Speed. Set Line Width. Set Background Color as while.  Select Colors for the Design. Create a List of Colors. For Loop Initialization. Access Colors from the List inside Loop. Set Direction for Turtle. SOURCE CODE import turtle r = turtle.Turtle() r = turtle.Pen() r.speed(1000) r.width(2) turtle.bgcolor('white') c = ['blue','lime','red','black','gold','aqua','purple','silver'] for x in range (600):     r.pencolor(c[x%8])     r.forward(x)     r.right(160) r.done() OUTPUT

Python Turtle Graphics || STAR SPIRAL DESIGN 0 7|| ~xRay Pixy

SOURCE CODE import turtle r = turtle.Turtle() r = turtle.Pen() r.width(4) r.speed(50) turtle.bgcolor('black') c = ['white','red','blue','orange'] for i in range (700):     r.pencolor(c[i%4])     r.left(i)     r.right(100) r.done()

Python Turtle Graphics || Flower Design 0 6|| ~xRay Pixy

Python Turtle Graphics || Flower Design 0 6|| SOURCE CODE from turtle import Turtle r = Turtle() r.screen.bgcolor('black') color = ['red','lime','yellow'] r.screen.tracer(0,0) for x in range(150):     r.color(color[x%3])     r.left(60) r.screen.exitonclick() r.screen.mainloop() OUTPUT

Python Turtle Graphics || SPIRAL Design 05 || ~xRay Pixy

Python Turtle Graphics || SPIRAL Design 05 ||  SOURCE CODE import turtle r = turtle.Turtle() s = turtle.Screen() s.bgcolor('white') r.width(2) r.speed(20) color = ('lime','aqua','red','indigo') for i in range (300):     r.pencolor(color[i%3])     r.forward(i*4)     r.right(121) OUTPUT

TURTLE GRAPHICS USING PYTHON || Turtle Star || 04 || ~xRay Pixy

PYTHON TURTLE GRAPHICS || Turtle Star || SOURCE CODE from turtle import * color('blue','yellow') begin_fill() while True:     forward(300)     left(170)     if abs(pos())<1:         break end_fill() OUTPUT


TURTLE GRAPHICS USING PYTHON SOURCE CODE import turtle as r r.title('CIRCLE PATTERN') r.speed(20) r.bgcolor('white') r.shape('circle') r.color('red') for i in range (0,360,10):     r.seth(i) r.done() OUTPUT


PYTHON TURTLE GRAPHICS DESIGNS SOURCE CODE FOR SPIRAL HEXAGON import turtle colors = ['red','yellow','blue','green','white','orange','silver','pink'] s = turtle.Pen() turtle.bgcolor('black') for i in range (250):     s.pencolor(colors [i % 6])     s.width(i/100 +1)     s.forward(i)     s.left(50) OUTPUT

Python Turtles Graphics | Source Code | ~xRay Pixy

Python Turtles Graphics || Source Code || PYTHON TURTLE SOURCE CODE import turtle c = turtle.Turtle() c.color("blue") c.pensize(10) c.shape("turtle") c.backward(150) c.left(90) c.forward(150) c.right(90) c.forward(150) c.left(45) c.forward(40) c.right(67) c.backward(50) c.left(250) c.backward(60) c.left(180) c.forward(50) c.right(90) c.forward(100) c.down() c.forward(150) c.left(60) c.down() c.forward(40) c.down() c.right(60) c.forward(100) c.left(230) c.forward(200) c.up() c.right(52) c.forward(50) c.backward(200) c.left(20) c.forward(100) turtle.done()

Python For Beginners - Python Basics

PYTHON FOR BEGINNERS # Variables: Used to hold Values x = 200 y = 2 z = x+y print(z) OUTPUT: 202 # Careating Strings in Python r = 'Create stings' print(r) d = 'Don\'t Give Up' print(d) OUTPUT   Create stings Don't Give Up #Hold Values in Strings val = 50 disp = 'My Value is %s' print(disp % val) OUTPUT:  My Value is 50 #placeholder different variables - replace stings msg = '%s: Python is good' msg2 = '%s: Yes' c1 = 'Roy' c2 = 'Jhon' print(msg % c1) print(msg2 % c2) OUTPUT   Roy: Python is good Jhon: Yes #Hold Multiple Values  Hold= 'Add %s and %s' num1 = 23 num2 = 65 print(Hold % (num1,num2)) OUTPUT:   Add 23 and 65 #String Multiplication print(3 * 'R') OUTPUT:  RRR #How to use Space/Tab Space = ' ' * 10 print('%s Hello' % Space) print() print('%s Life = Peace' % Space) OUTPUT  :             Hello            Life = Peace #Create a String List and access Values from it. Simple...
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