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AI and Deep Learning for Ear Infection Detection ~xRay Pixy

Learn how AI and deep learning revolutionize ear infection detection, enabling accurate, fast, and automated diagnosis using advanced image processing and machine learning techniques. Video Chapters: Ear Infection Detection using AI and DL 00:00 Introduction 00:14 My Experience with Ear Infections 01:15 Topics Covered 02:24 Ear Infections 02:48 Ear Infection Signs 03:55 Ear Infection Preventions 04:29 Ear Infection Types 05:19 Ear Infection Causes 06:14 How Bacteria and Fungus Grow in Ear 07:26 My Mistakes 08:49 Doctors Advise after Ear Infection 09:45 Ear Infection Common Symptoms 10:37 Automated Ear Infection Detection with Deep Learning AI 15:09 Smartphone Otoscopes 16:04 Conclusion Ear fungus, also known as otomycosis , is a fungal infection of the outer ear canal. If an ear infection is not treated on time, it can lead to serious complications.  Hearing Loss – Persistent infections can damage the eardrum and middle ear structures, leading to partial or permanent hearing loss....

No Free Lunch Theorem for Optimization |Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm

No Free Lunch Theorem for Optimization

No Free Lunch Theorem for Optimization
According to No Free Lunch Theorem "There is no universal better algorithm exist that can solve all types of optimization problems".

Today, Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms are used in different areas to solve complex real work optimization problems. For example in Industrial Areas, Operation Research, Medical Field, Engineering design and other as you can see below: 
History of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms:
Genetic Algorithms (G.A.) - 1960's - 1970's
Simulated Annealing (S.A.) - 1983
Tabu Search (T.S.) - 1986
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm - 1992
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm - 1995
Differential Evolution (D.E.) -1997
Harmony Search (H.S.) - 2001
Honey Bee Algorithm (H.B.A.) - 2004
Artificial Bee Colony (A.B.C.) - 2005
Battle Royal Optimization Algorithm (B.R.O.A.) - 2020

In 1997, D.H. Wolpher and W. G. Macready published No Free Lunch Theorem for optimization. According to No Free Lunch Theorem "There is no universal better algorithm exist that can solve all types of optimization problems". It is always hard to find a universal better way to solve almost all problems. There is no metaheuristic algorithm is best for solving all optimization problems.

One algorithm alone can't solve all types of optimization problems. There may be another algorithm that can provide better solutions to the problem that are not solved by first algorithm.

Suppose 2 Algorithm's, Algorithm X and Algorithm Y.

If Algorithm X performance is better than Algorithm Y for some objective function / optimization functions. Then Algorithm Y Will outperform Algorithm X for other optimization function/ objective functions.

Other Metaheuristic Approaches: Click Here To Watch Now
Other Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm Examples

1. Hunting Search 2. Altruism Algorithm 3. Spiral Dynamic Algorithm (SDA) 4. Strawberry Algorithm 5. Artificial Algae Algorithm (AAA) 6. Bacterial Colony Optimization 7. Differential Search Algorithm (DS 8. Flower pollination algorithm (FPA) 9. Krill Herd 10. Water Cycle Algorithm 11. Black Holes Algorithm 12. Cuttlefish Algorithm 13. Plant Propagation Algorithm 14. Social Spider Optimization (SSO) 15. Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) algorithm 16. Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) Algorithm 17. Artificial Ecosystem Algorithm (AEA) 18. Grey Wolf Optimizer 19. Seed Based Plant Propagation Algorithm 20. Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA): A Nature-Inspired 21. Self-propelled Particles 22. Differential Evolution (DE) 23. Bacterial Foraging Optimization 24. Harmony Search (HS) 25. MBO: Marriage in Honey Bees Optimization 26. Artificial Fish School Algorithm 27. Bacteria Chemotaxis (BC) Algorithm 28. Social Cognitive Optimization (SCO) 29. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 30. Bees Algorithm 31. Glow-worm Swarm Optimization (GSO) 32. Honey-Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm 33. Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) 34. Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA) 35. Central Force Optimization 36. Intelligent Water Drops algorithm, or the IWD algorithm 37. River Formation Dynamics 38. Biogeography-based Optimization (BBO) 39. Roach Infestation Optimization (RIO) 40. Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm (BEA)

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Meta-heuristic Algorithms
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