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AI and Deep Learning for Ear Infection Detection ~xRay Pixy

Learn how AI and deep learning revolutionize ear infection detection, enabling accurate, fast, and automated diagnosis using advanced image processing and machine learning techniques. Video Chapters: Ear Infection Detection using AI and DL 00:00 Introduction 00:14 My Experience with Ear Infections 01:15 Topics Covered 02:24 Ear Infections 02:48 Ear Infection Signs 03:55 Ear Infection Preventions 04:29 Ear Infection Types 05:19 Ear Infection Causes 06:14 How Bacteria and Fungus Grow in Ear 07:26 My Mistakes 08:49 Doctors Advise after Ear Infection 09:45 Ear Infection Common Symptoms 10:37 Automated Ear Infection Detection with Deep Learning AI 15:09 Smartphone Otoscopes 16:04 Conclusion Ear fungus, also known as otomycosis , is a fungal infection of the outer ear canal. If an ear infection is not treated on time, it can lead to serious complications.  Hearing Loss – Persistent infections can damage the eardrum and middle ear structures, leading to partial or permanent hearing loss....

Multiverse Optimization Algorithm Example Step-by-Step Explanation

Multiverse Optimization Algorithm


Q. What is Multiverse Theory?
A. Multiverse means the group of multiple universes. According to Multiverse theory, there is more than one Big Bang, and each Big Bang causes the birth of a universe. Multiple universes collide and interact with each other. 

Q. What is Big Bang Theory?
A. Our universe comes into existence (13 Billion years Ago) from a single, hot and dense point. According to the Big Bang theory, our universe starts with a massive explosion. Before this explosion, nothing exists in this world. The universe contains time, energy, planets, stars, galaxies, and matter.

Q. What is Multiverse Optimization Algorithm?
A. Multiverse Optimization Algorithm (MVO) is inspired by multiverse theory. Multiverse optimization algorithm is basically inspired by three main concepts of multiverse theory: White Hole, Black Hole, and Worm Hole. According to multi-verse theory, white holes / Big Bangs are created where collisions between parallel universes occurred. A black Hole can attract everything (including light) with its gravitational force.  Wormhole act as a travel tunnel where objects can travel from one universe to another.

Q. State certain rules that are applied to the universe of MVO.
A.  Certain rules are followed in the multiverse optimization algorithm during optimization process:
  1. The Higher the inflation rate, the higher the probability of having a white hole.
  2. The Higher the inflation rate, the lower the probability of having a black hole.  
  3. Universes with a higher inflation rate tend to send objects through white holes. 
  4. Universes with a lower inflation rate tend to receive more objects through black holes. 
  5. The objects in all universes may face random movement towards the best universe via wormholes regardless of the inflation rate. 
Q. How universes exchange objects in MVO?
A. Wormholes act as a tunnel in between the white holes and black holes. Assume that wormhole tunnels are always established between a universe and the best universe. (to provide local changes to each universe). The mathematical model is:

Q. Multiverse Optimization Algorithm Step-by-Step
A. Input: Population Size and Maximum Number of iterations.
Output: Display Best Universe and its Fitness Value / Inflation rate.
Step 01: Parameter Initialization. 
Step 02: Compute Fitness Value for Each Universe and Select Best Universe. 
Step 03: For each universe update WEP and TDR. 
Step 04: Select one universe among N by roulette wheel selection mechanisms as a white hole.
Step 05: Use a wormhole as a tunnel for object exchange between different universes. 
Step 06: Repeat until stopping criteria matched.
Step 07: Display the best universe. 

Q. Multiverse Optimization Algorithm Applications.
A. Multiverse optimization algorithms can be applied to solve complex problems in different fields.
  1. Network applications.
  2. Engineering problems
  3. Machine learning problems  


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