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Markov Chains || Step-By-Step || ~xRay Pixy

Learn Markov Chains step-by-step using real-life examples. Video Chapters: Markov Chains 00:00 Introduction 00:19 Topics Covered 01:49 Markov Chains Applications 02:04 Markov Property 03:18 Example 1 03:54 States, State Space, Transition Probabilities 06:17 Transition Matrix 08:17 Example 02 09:17 Example 03 10:26 Example 04 12:25 Example 05 14:16 Example 06 16:49 Example 07 18:11 Example 08 24:56 Conclusion

What is the difference between & and &&?

Operators are the basic concept of any programming language, used to build a foundation in programming.

Different Types of Operators are: - 1. Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
2. Relational Operators (=, !=, <, >, >=, <=)
3. Logical Operators (&& AND, || OR, ! NOT)
4. Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
5. Bitwise Operators (& Bitwise AND, << Left Shift, >> Right Shift, | Bitwise OR )
6. Miscellaneous Operators (sizeof, &pointer, *pointer, ? condition)

Difference between & and &&: -

For example, here it is used a, b (a && b)
AND: Used to check if both the operands(a,b) are true.

& = Bitwise AND
For example, ( a & b )
Bitwise AND: Converts the value of both the operands into binary form and performs AND- operation bit by bit.


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