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Intelligent Traffic Management Using || AI & Metaheuristics || ~xRay Pixy

Hybrid Artificial Intelligence and Metaheuristics for Smart City TRafci Management Problem Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:40 Smart Cities 01:14 Traditional Methods for Traffic Management 02:12 Hybrid Approach AI and Metaheuristics 02:47 STEPS for Hybrid  Traffic Management System 08:40 Advantages of Smart Traffic Management System 09:33 Conclusion



Code Generator


Discrete Event Simulation (DES)

Discrete event simulation  ( DES ) is the process of codifying the behavior of a complex system as an ordered sequence of well-defined  events . In this context, an  event  comprises a specific change in the system's state at a specific point in time.

Programming in C++

Decision Statements: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements |Programming in C++| ~xRay Pixy


Linear Congruential Generator | Modeling and Simulation |

Random Number Generator Methods in Modeling and Simulation 1.) Middle Square Method for Random Number Generation (discussed before)          Middle Square Method for Random Number Generation 2.) Linear Congruential Generator          Linear Congruential generator |Modeling and Simulation|~xRay Pixy Linear Congruential Generator is the most widely used method for Random Number Generation. Linear Congruential Generator Produce a sequence of integers between 0 and m-1. Generate a Sequence of Random Numbers for (a, c, m) = (1, 5, 13) and Z0 = 1 Question For you Video :  Linear Congruential generator |Modeling and Simulation|~xRay Pixy Video Link

Operator Precedence & Operators Associativity

Operator Precedence  in C++ Operator precedence determines which operator is performed first in an expression with more than one operator.  In C++, we use the Operator Precedence rule to solve the problem like this- (5 + 8 * 3). Precedence Determine the order in which the operators are performed. An operator with Higher Precedence is evaluated before the operator with lower precedence. Video: Operator Precedence in C++ Operator Associativity Chart Multiply (*) operator has higher precedence than addition operator (+). Questions for your Practice 1.) 7 + 3 * 2                                             Ans.  13 2.) 10 + 20 * 30 Ans.  610 3.) 100 / 10 * 10 Ans.  100 4.) 100 + 200 / 10 – 3 * 10                Ans.  90 5. ) 10 / 5 + 6 – 5 % 3 * 5        Ans.  - 2

Loop Optimization Techniques in Compiler Design

LOOP Optimization Rules Every Programmer must follow before the optimization of any source code.  1.) Loop transformation technique.  2.) Help to reduce optimize the execution time of a program. 3.) Basically, remove the iterations.  4.) Loop Unrolling increase the program speed by eliminating loop control instructions. Loop Optimization is a Machine Independent Technique. We can do Code optimization in the loops of the program. In loop optimization, code optimization is performed on inner loops. Methods of Loop Optimization 1.) Code Motion 2.) Loop Invariant Method 3.) Loop Jamming 4.) Loop Unrolling 5.) Strength Reduction Code Motion: Technique that moves the code outside the loop. Loop Jamming: Combining two or more loops in a single loop. Code Strength: Expressions that consumes CPU time and memory should replace with cheaper expressions. Replace Expensive Expressions (i.e., *) with cheaper ones (i.e., +) Vidoe:

What is the difference between & and &&?

Operators are the basic concept of any programming language, used to build a foundation in programming. Different Types of Operators are: - 1. Arithmetic Operators ( +, -, *, /, % ) 2. Relational Operators ( =, !=, <, >, >=, <= ) 3. Logical Operators (&& AND, || OR, ! NOT ) 4. Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=) 5. Bitwise Operators ( & Bitwise AND, << Left Shift, >> Right Shift, | Bitwise OR ) 6. Miscellaneous Operators ( sizeof, &pointer, *pointer, ? condition ) Difference between & and &&: - && = AND OPERATOR For example, here it is used a, b (a && b) AND: Used to check if both the operands(a,b) are true. & = Bitwise AND For example, ( a & b ) Bitwise AND: Converts the value of both the operands into binary form and performs AND- operation bit by bit.

What is multi-block LBP?

Multi-Block LBP is used to encode the rectangular region’s intensity by using local binary patterns. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) looks at nine pixels at a time (i.e., 3x3 window of image = 9-pixel values and 2^9 = 512 possible values). By using Local Binary Pattern we can turn this 3x3 matrix into a single value. LBP focus on the very local neighborhood like 3x3. Multi-block LBP has been used for larger-scale structure. With the help of Multi-Block Local Binary Pattern (MB-LBP), 256 types of different binary patterns can be formed for edge detection and face detection from still images. The computation of the local binary pattern on the 3x3 matrix is shown in Figure. I used MB-LBP For Face Detection.

What are the best algorithms for face detection in Matlab?

The best algorithms for face detection in Matlab = Viola-Jones Algorithm Face from the different digital images can be detected. The vision. CascadeObjectDetector uses the Viola-Jones algorithm to detect people’s Faces, Noses, Eyes, Mouth or upper body. The Cascade Object Detector build into MATLAB to detect the facial features from a digital image. Detects the left and right eyes separately. Detects the mouth. Detect the objects using the viola jones algorithm. Detect a pair of eyes. Detects faces that are upright and forward-facing. For Face detection: faceDetector=vision.CascadeObjectDetector('FrontalFaceCART'); For Eyes detection: faceDetector=vision.CascadeObjectDetector('EyePairBig’); I Created a Face Detection system using Viola- Jones algorithm. Book :  Face and Facial Expression Recognition LINK :  Face Doctor - Viola Jones LINK Project | Face Detection using Polar Harmonic Transforms ~xRay Pixy
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