GREY WOLF OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM - GREY WOLF OPTIMIZER Q. What is the Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm? A. GWO is a metaheuristic proposed by Mirjaliali Mohammad and Lewis, 2014. GWO is inspired by the social hierarchy and the hunting technique of grey wolves. Q. Who is the Grey Wolf? A. Also known as Grey Wolf / Gray Wolf. [Large Canine and Longer Tail]. Q. Explain the Grey Wolf Hierarchy? A. The first level of Grey wolf Hierarchy is ALPHA WOLF. Alpha wolf is responsible for Making Decisions about Hunting, Sleeping places, time to wake up, and others. The second level of the Grey wolf Hierarchy is Beta WOLF. The best candidate to be Alpha Wolf. Beta Wolf helps the Alpha wolf in decision making and other activities. Beta wolf gives feedback to Alpha Wolf. The third Level If the wolf is neither Alpha, Beta, nor Omega then it is a Delta Wolf. Delta wolf Dominate Omega Wolf. Delta wolf works for the pack in case of any danger. They provide food to th...